When you walkC through a storm
Hold your headG up high
And don’Ft be afraidC of the darkG Gm
At the endDm of a storm Bb
There’s a golFden sky Dm
And the sweetBb silveAmr songGm
OfF a larkE C7
Walk on Fthrough the wind E7
WalkC on through the rain D
Though your dreamCs be
tossedEm and blownF G
WalkC on, walk on C7
With hopeF in your heartD
And you’ll nevC-er Emwalk F alDoneG..
You’ll neCver Em walkF aGlone C G
WalkC on, walk on C7
With hopeF in your heart D
And you’ll nevC-er Emwalk F alDoneG..
You’ll nevCer walkF Galone