( 2 Times )
No,C womGan, no Amcry, F
No,C womFan, no cry C G
No,C womGan, no Amcry, F
No,C womFan, no cry C G
I rCemembGer whenAm we used to sitF
In Cthe goverGnment yard in AmTrenchtown, F
ObaC – obaserGving the ‘ypocAmrites F
As theyC would mingle with the goodG people
we Ammeet F
GooCd friends weG have
oh, goodAm friends we’ve losFt
AloCng tGhe wayAm F
In Cthis great futGure
you canAm‘t forget your pasFt,
So Cdry youGr tears, I she Am F
No,CwomGan, no cryAm, F
No,C womFan, no cryC G
‘EreC, little darGlin’, don’tAm she’d no tearsF,
No,C womFan, no cryC G
Said, said
saidC, I remGember whenAm-a we used to sitF
In Cthe goverGnment yard in AmTrenchtown F
AndC then GeoGrgie would make theAm fire ligFhts,
As Cit was logwood burGnin’ through the nigAmhts F
TheCn we would cooGk cornmeal porAmridge, F
Of Cwhich I’ll shaGre with youAm, F
My CfeeGt is my onlAmy carriaFge,
So CI’ve gotG to push on thrAmough
But while I’m Fgone, I mean,
*** EveCrything’s gonna be Gall right
EveAmrything’s gonna be Fall right
EveCrything’s gonna be Gall right
EveAmrything’s gonna be Fall right
( REPEAT *** )
So, womCan, no cry, G Am F
No,C no, womFan, woman, no cryC G
WomCan, little sistGer, don’Amt she’d no teaFrs,
No,CwomFan, no cryC G
( 2 Times )