HelloF#m, Ait’s me E D
I was wonF#mdering If Aafter all
these yearEs You’d like to meeDt
To go oveF#mr AEverythingE D
They say that timF#me’s supposed to heaAl
yeah but I ain’t donEe much heaDling
HelF#mlo, Acan you heaEr me? D
I’m in CalF#mifornia dreaAming
about whoE we used to be D
When we were youF#mnger Aand freeE D
I’ve forgotF#mten how it felAt before
the worEld fell at our feeDt
There’s such a difF#mference E
betC#mween us D
And a miF#mllion Emiles D
* HelF#mlo from theD other sidAe E
I musF#mt’ve called a tDhousand timeAs E
to tell youF#m I’m sorDry,
for everythiAng that I’ve donEe
But when I calF#ml you
nevDer seeAm to be homEe
** HelF#mlo from theD outside A E
At leaF#mst I can sayD that I’ve tried A E
to tell youF#m I’m sorDry
for breaAking your heaErt
But it don’t matF#mter, it cleDarly
doesn’t tearA you apart Eanymore
HelF#mlo, Ahow areE you? D
It’s so typF#mical of me Ato talk
aboutE myself I’m sorrDy,
I hopF#me Athat you’re well E D
Did you eveF#mr make it out Aof that town
Where notEhing ever happenDed?
It’s no secrF#met E
That the botC#mh of us D
Are runAning outE of timeD
( REPEAT * , ** )
INSTRU : F#m D|EA ( 3 Times )
F#m D|EA|E
( REPEAT * , ** )